However as a brilliant father or mother you have to think about the intrinsic value of the toy you have selected.The toy selected by you may be colourful,attractive and suitable for the age of the child.But I ask you about the strategies you have kept in mind,when you select a toy so as to make him/her a brilliant and outstanding one in future!!Let me share my own ideas with you.Toys have both aesthetic and intellectual values.As the aesthetic value helps him to enjoy the beauty of the world around him,the intellectual value helps him to discover the unrevealed facts in the universe.More over,toys have social values too,which helps the child to adjust with his surroundings.
I believe that the first five years make a child best performer in life.Thus as a brilliant parent,you should be well prepared in selecting toys too.A toy you are buying for him should have an intrinsic value whether the toy is cheap or costly.Thus you can introduce building blocks or cubes or cross-words in proper years.It is necessary that you should find some time to spend with him in his games with these bright toys.
Let me conclude with my own experience with a pack of toys.One of my cousin's daughter was presented a set of small and beautiful Chinese toys of wild animals.She kept it for two or three days with her and left it somewhere.Keeping this in mind,before buying the same set of toys for my own child,I had taught her many facts about wild life such as Giraffe is the tallest and Elephant is the largest.Then she was eagerly waiting for getting it and by two or three days,she was able to say that Zebras and Giraffes are found in Africa.Just to introduce Africa to the three year old child,I used a world map downloaded from the net.There were many animals in the set which were not known even to me!We together searched the internet for many days and identified most of them.This also helped her to use the mouse of the computer herself.Even after one year she is interested in playing with and knowing them.Thus the set,which costs only Rs.225 became a most valuable one for both of us.Any of us can guide our children with a toy,if we are able to find an intrinsic value in it,keeping in mind that our guidance is a necessity in forming a future citizen.
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